The album design I created for MGMT embodies the band’s
eclectic and psychedelic vibe through a combination of intri-
cate stippled illustrations and carefully curated typography.
The illustrations feature intricate patterns and surreal im-
agery, reminiscent of the band’s experimental soundscapes
and whimsical lyricism. Each stippled element is meticulous-
ly crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and intrigue, inviting
the viewer to explore the album’s visual narrative. The ty-
pography choices are bold yet whimsical, echoing the band’s
playful and enigmatic persona while ensuring legibility and
impact. Together, the illustrations and typography form a co-
hesive visual identity that captures the essence of MGMT’s
music, inviting listeners on a journey through a world of
imagination and creativit
MGMT Album Design


MGMT Album Design
